Creative destruction

With all due respect to Schumpeter, and not withstanding the acrobatics of the Tsipiras government, I decided to engage in some creative destruction myself last week. Behold, the process.


Step 1: The Patient. I made the necklace above, intended to be inspired by Noguchi. So far, so good. Laying flat, it was fine, but hanging, it kind of did weird things and looked nothing like my vision, so, onto Step 2.

IMG_0092Step 2: Sundering. I cut the joining rings away and then cut the chain off.

IMG_0093Step 3: refinish and refine. So, here’s where I had to figure out what they should be. I had a cuppa and sat and stared. Then, of course, the obvious came. Earrings—very seventies.

IMG_0094Step 4: Soldering. I had to fill the holes that I had used to join then so I inserted rods of fine silver and soldered them into balled ends, and they now kind of “float” above the plate. This was my attempt at motion—a la Calder.

IMG_0095Step 5: Finished. These are the finished earrings with the new floating solder balls and posts for pierced wearing. See below to see them on—a blurry selfie. A lot of fun destroying and creating, I must say.



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