Virtual Heart Failure Clinic: Brigham and Women’s Hospital Cardiology Team
Below are home page mock ups for a redesign of the Virtual Heart Failure Clinic for Brigham and Women’s (BWH) Cardiology Team. The clinic site was intended to serve as a resource for patients suffering from heart failure and cardiomyopathy, and their families as a form of “information therapy,” allowing BWH cardiologists to “prescribe” information to patients on a as-needed basis in context with consultations, so that patients could manage their condition more effectively and confidently.
The home page mockups were intended to be more patient-focused, rather than clinically-focused so that patients could locate information they needed quickly. I conducted User Research and developed the Information Architecture and UI for this program. Site map.

Below are personas developed for the Virtual Heart Failure Clinic User Research.

Wellness App: Harvard Health Publishing
Below are wireframes I created as part of the User Research for a Wellness app for Harvard Health Publishing.

Contraceptive Solution: Harvard Health Publishing
Below is a wireframe for an app that would help users find appropriate contraceptive interventions based on certain conditions and preferences.